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Welcome! MansonWiki is the largest Marilyn Manson database online, written for the fans by fans. The navigation panel on the left can be used to explore the site, or just click a link inside any article and see where it takes you.

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There are 4,378 articles on this wiki, and 134,546 edits in total.

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Latest Marilyn Manson news


The new Marilyn Manson's album One Assassination Under God – Chapter 1, announced by Nuclear Blast Records two months ago, is out. The album was earlier preceded by three singles: "As Sick as the Secrets Within (song)", "Raise the Red Flag", and "Sacrilegious". Also, the album is now available on all major streaming platforms worldwide.

You can listen to the album at YouTube Music, Spotify, and Apple Music

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After an early newsletter release incident, on the 27th of September Nuclear Blast Records released the new single "Sacrilegious", while announcing Marilyn Manson's new album, One Assassination Under God – Chapter 1, which is set to be released at the 22nd of November, 2024.

The album can be pre-ordered on the label's website in several edition options. Available to purchase is also the album's t-shirt and zip-up hoodie.

See an overview of all news on the News category page

Recently added pages, interviews and files

  1. 2025/02/16 Berlin, Germany
  2. 2025/02/14 Brno, Czech Republic
  3. 2025/02/13 Munich, Germany
  4. 2025/02/10 Zurich, Switzerland
  5. 2025 Tour: North American Spring Tour Leg
  6. Dave Wyndorf
  7. Kat Ayerz
  8. Kim Nail
  9. 2004/10/29 Phoenix, AZ
  10. Niki Haris
  1. Interview:2002/10 Marilyn Manson in Interview Magazine
  2. Interview:2011/12/03 That Metal Show
  3. Interview:1998/11/27 Late Show with David Letterman
  4. Interview:2001/05 Holy Wood: The Genesis of the Unholy Trilogy
  5. Interview:1997/03 Twiggy Ramirez: The Antichrist Superstar's Musical Prophet
  6. Interview:1995/12/31 Marilyn Manson Interview for 101 WRIF
  7. Interview:2012/09/22 That Metal Show
  8. Interview:2015/01 Resurrection Man
  9. Interview:2000/11/04 The Fall Guy
  10. Interview:2015/01/19 The Interview: Marilyn Manson